I am based in Devon, UK.
My journey through life has led me to weave my love of plants, ritual, sisterhood and ceremony together. I hold the memory of the time when women would tend to the whole spectrum of life; from birth to death, walking alongside women and folk through all rites of passage.
The essence of my work is holding space for thresholds. A threshold is a space imbetween time, a liminal container where the old hasn't quite fallen away but the new is beckoning.
Through both life experiences and my work as a birth doula, I have sat at both births and deaths. The two great transitions we all go through in life. These moments witnessing these thresholds has given me insight into what is needed to be guided through these times.
Loss is threshold that deserves to be honoured and held. My own experience with loss gave me great insight into what is needed during that time. After journeying along my own healing path and being asked to write a book to bring gentle support and care to this experience, I felt a call to create spaces and support circles for other women.
My intention for these spaces be a place where loss and grief can be heard, where stories can be listened to, hands be guided to craft special objects, herbs be connected to and ceremony created, all to weave yourself back together again.
It is an honour to walk with women across these threshold, I feel deeply grateful for this path,
Wise Teachers and Trainings
Carole Guyett - Way of the Wise Healer - 4 years. Apprenticeship in herbal medicine, plant spirit communication and ceremony. 2016-present.
Amanda Porter - Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage Self Care 2015
ITEC Holistic Massage Diploma 2017
Miranda Gray - Womb Blessing Moon Mother Training 2019
Katherine Woodbury - Continuum Doula Training 2023
Molly O'Brien - Biomechanics for Birth 2023
Japjeet Kaur - In person 4 day Closing the Bones Training
Trauma Informed Grief training for professionals - Shauna Janz 2024